New pips-out rubber for the new non-celluloid ball. Uranus: The legendary wizard in Greek Mythology.
Uranus Poly Jean allows the user to hit extremely fast smashes and blocks. It also provides great ease in looping and pushing/chopping, allowing the user to easily any kind of spin on the ball. This makes it suitable for the traditional short pips fast attack style of play.
With strong built-in tensor effect, the softer sponge enables faster rebounds while maximizing rubber surface and ball contact. Uranus Poly Jean provides enhanced speed and improve arc generation: it is a force multiplier for the offensive pips-out player.
The pips were vertically aligned, diameter on the top was relatively smaller, shape of pips were trapezoid from the base to the middle and cylindrical from the middle to the top, surface of the top was bald (no threads). Pips were not too soft nor too hard, quite insensitive to incoming top spin when blocking, but still able to do a half-decent loop with mild top spin at mid distance.